Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I AM - 4 Motivational Android Apps For Walkers, Runners and Cyclists

There is always room for improvement in the world of health and exercise. How do you know if your gaining or losing strength or agility? How do you recognize when you're going toward or away from your goals? It's best to not guess, you tend to over or under estimate your true results.

Can Your Smartphone Be Your Best Friend?

Most people carry around their smartphones. The capabilities are astounding with every passing month. From watching videos to listening to radio stations to tracking locations. Let your smartphone be your best friend. Utilize apps like there's no tomorrow. If you carry it by your side like second skin, carry apps that build great habits.


There's at least 4 apps I use personally use and recommend with great success that has helped me with my goals so far:

1. Runkeeper:
This app has been useful because not only does it track various types of exercise, other apps utilize it's tracking for journaling exercise along with dietary records. I've also seen regular websites will integrate itself with your RunKeeper app records.

2. Map My Run:

I haven't used this app much, but I really like the fact that you can pre-map a trail you plan to take. It calculate distance, elevation and other nice things. You publicize it for others to follow that may live or exercise nearby.

3. Striiv:

This app is actually based on an actual device created first. It is a pedometer that you could wear with pretty good accuracy, now available in app form for most smartphones. You could challenge friends and family to see who did the most steps. You could also motivate yourself by taking on mini game-like challenges provided by Striiv like "Walk 100 steps in the next 5 minutes". There's also an in a virtual world game where real world tracking of your steps provide "health" or "energy" that could buy virtual stuff for your virtual land. Fun for both kids and adults.

4. Charity Miles:

I personally think Charity Miles is a rewarding and motivational app. Sometimes doing something outside of ourselves will get us to do things we would otherwise do. You can pick among several charities to walk, run or bike for. If you do at least a quarter of a mile, you can use this app to donate money while exercising for your own health. It's a win-win situation.

How Can I Make All This Work For Me?

All apps except Striiv need GPS from your smartphone in order to work. You can run several apps at the same time. I start up one app at a time in this order, I don't use Striiv when doing long activities:
  1. RunKeeper
  2. Charity Miles
  3. Map My Run - I'm still experimenting with this app though.
I'll finally start up my music or Pandora depending on mood.

What Do I Do When I'm Done?

Once I'm done with my activity, I will stop apps in the opposite direction:

  1. Stop Pandora or my music
  2. Stop and close out Map My Run
  3. Charity Miles
  4. RunKeeper
If you have other apps connected to these apps, you can catch up with them when you get home. I'll recommend websites in another post.

Subscribe To Get Updates On Apps

If you like these apps and would like to get updates other recommendations including website, please subscribe to this blog and like our Facebook Fan Page. Post any questions you have below.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I AM - My Gym Membership - What You Need To Know About Having One

I have been paying for a gym membership well over a year, coming to a year and a half. It's been a battle as to what I should do with it, keep it or let it go? I finally decided to keep it, it's my gift to me.

I've had previous memberships to all sorts of gyms ranging from 24 Fitness to Curves. Right now I have LA Fitness. This is the longest standing membership I've owned to this date. All gyms have there perks.

Why Have A Gym Membership?

There are positive things about having a gym membership:
  • Indoors - You can workout regardless of weather changes.
  • People - There are other people who have similar goals as you. Why not surround yourself with like minded people. Leaves you less lonely.
  • Equipment - You can't beat having readily available equipment for your enjoyment.
  • Classes - There's classes that can keep you from becoming bored from routine.
  • Extracurricular sports - Some gyms have extra stuff you can do like basketball or swimming.
  • Other extras - Who can forget the awesome spas and saunas you can hit up before or after a good workout. 
  • Training - If you need someone to yell at you or teach you how to workout, their right there waiting at your local gym.
  • Child care - Yes there are gyms with child care. Granted, you have to pay for it, but it leaves out the excuses. If your child is a certain age, they can join you under family membership. Just ask a rep.

So What's Stopping You?

It all comes down to YOU. You can make excuses or lose the desire to go. Other times, it's the money you must surrender to keep your gym membership. Some people aren't meant to be gym rats. That's okay too. I think some of us give up too soon. 

Are You Working Out At The Wrong Gym?

If you have lost the desire or just don't feel like you belong, maybe it's time to change up the location of the gym you're going to. Maybe it's the actual gym you have membership with...try a different one. You might find out that CrossFit is the real deal for you. Or that all you needed was Curves membership. No gym is a one size fits all. It's your responsibility to give yourself a chance to find a fit for you. 

Make A List

Make a list of all the things you would like to do or expect out of a gym membership. Seek that potential gym out. Most if not all gyms will give you a trial membership. Check out a couple places and decide.

Did You Get Membership Already?

Please share your thoughts about having a gym membership below. Who is your membership provider and what made you decide to use them? If you decided against it, why?

Friday, February 28, 2014

I AM - My Gymboss Interval Timer - Apps Versus Timers

I use an interval timer for my "couch to 5k" training. I know I can use apps on my smartphone but it gets in the way from effective training. My interval timer of choice is manufactured by GymBoss. The model of choice is the Mini Max.

Smartphone Apps Versus Timers (Like Gymboss)

Smartphone Apps

  • Conveniently there if you use bring your phone everywhere - no excuses
  • Records are on your phone and can be integrated with other app programs
  • Less to carry around
  • Most are free


  • You can leave your phone bulk behind, no interruptions or temptation to be on your phone
  • You won't mistake the sound it makes with notifications sounds 
  • No fumbling around with other apps processing
  • Preprogramming is available so you don't have to look at your timer
  • It's durable to sustain sweat and small drops to the floor 

How Is A Timer Like Gymboss Different From Usual Timers?

  • Most are sweat and shock proof
  • It toggles between different modes of vibrate and sound
  • There is control over intervals - you control timing and how many rounds
  • You can set it and forget it for future activities

How Is This Effective For Couch to 5k Training?

You are essentially using the same intervals for about 4 day out of the week and then changing it up. You can program your timer for the week and "forget" about it until the next week. Just make sure you have enough battery, which isn't that often. You can just concentrate on walking and running while the timer counts down to the next round. This takes you away from worrying about how many more seconds or minutes you have left and lets you focus on form and speed instead.

What Do I Need To Do Exactly?

These are the steps I take to set up my timer:

  1. Look at the week I'm in for "Couch to 5k" training and take note the intervals for the week.
  2. Turn on timer and scroll through the menu via the set button (it may be different for your model) until I find the interval program I'm looking for, I usually pick 4+ because I include the 5 minute warm-up in the program.
  3. Once I pick the program, I reprogram it with the weeks intervals. For example:
  •  Week one says, 6x of (1 minute running and 4 minutes walking)
    • Set:
      • interval 1 @ 5 minutes for warm-up
      • interval 2 @ 1 minute for 6 rounds
      • interval 3 @ 4 minutes for "P" rounds (this will toggle between interval 2 and 3 for a total of 6 rounds)
      • interval 4 @ 5 minutes for cool-down (you don't have to set the 4th interval, but you can for convenience)
(I'll be posting a video shortly on how to setup your Gymboss if you decide on purchasing one.)

After Training

First, bask in the glory of your accomplishment! Woo-hoo! I would record the sessions result somewhere. Take note on your improvements. You can always extend your training to another week, it's your body and your goals. 

Where Do I Buy An Interval Timer?

I found that it's actually harder to locate these interval timers at a store. I would look for one online. There are different brands out there. I chose Gymboss Minimax because it had all the features I was looking for at a reasonable price. In short find an interval timer at the following places:

  • Ebay.com
  • Amazon.com
  • Gymboss.com (if you would like to buy a Gymboss timer directly from the manufacture.)

Your Results

Please comment below with your suggestions and questions. Where did you finally buy your interval timer and how much was it? Do you have any links to share? Please share your thoughts and information with fellow readers.

Friday, February 21, 2014

I AM - A Runner - Going From Couch to 5K - Plan Included

I've haven't done serious cardio since high school. The mere thought of cardio makes me want to run in the opposite direction. It sounds kind of odd since it's literally the act that I'm proposing to do.

I wanted to get back into running because it's the only sure thing I know that accomplishes two things from my own history:

  1. weight loss
  2. weight maintenance

I set out to find my solution to ease my way back into the running world, eventually making it to my first 5k. The formulation is known as "Couch to 5k".


So here's the basics:
  • There is some form of exercise at least 6 out of the 7 days of each week for 12 weeks.
  • Start with 5 minutes of walking to warm up your body.
  • "Rest" days: you will rest or do light to moderate cardio. 
  • Light to moderate cardio includes: leisure walking, bike riding, etc.
  • You HAVE to take at least one rest day to rest.
  • Running days: start from short spurts of running and longer walks to eventually longer periods of running and spurts of walking.

My 12 Week Regimen

The following chart will show you the regimen I'm currently following:


If you would like to get a copy of this exact plan please download it here, it is a .zip file with two jpg's of the plan above:

I don't know why my chart above is discolored, but it turns out perfectly fine when you download it.

What To Do On Rest Days

You MUST take at least one rest day to actually rest. The days you see "rest or XT" on the chart, you can do the following:
  • walk leisurely
  • ride a bicycle
  • light sports

Where Am I Right Now?

I'm only in week 2 as of 2/20/14. I haven't been following the chart per se because I've been doing this along with my brother. Whenever he has a day off, we go jogging. His days off aren't always the same.

I have to start doing my own thing. If I really want to see results in both weight loss and eventually my first 5k, I have to put forth effort the plan I had set out to do.

My leisure activity will most likely be riding a bicycle, it's the only activity I truly enjoy that I can make a habit.

How Do I Track My Progress?

My smartphone is my fitness friend. I use a combination of apps and a interval timer (which I'll talk about in a separate post.) The following apps are on my smartphone which can be downloaded in the Google store. I'm sure there is an equivalent or the same apps in the iTunes store as well.
  • Runkeeper - to track all physical activites and connect to other apps/websites for recording purposes.
  • Charity Miles - to raise money for charities while you get fit. It gives me incentive to move. You pick the charities they provide.
The idea is to record all progress to stay motivated and to see where there is room for improvement. I personally feel good when my fitness becomes a win-win situation. I win with better health. Others win because I'm raising money for charitable causes. Now that's nice.

There are other apps I use for the food part. I'll include that in the dietary blog post I have yet to put up.

How To Get Started

So now it's your turn:
  1. Download the "Couch To 5k" file and print or upload to your smartphone for reference.
  2. Download the apps mentioned in this post.
  3. Decide what leisure activities you would like to do on "rest" days.
  4. Get started, but be good to yourself...you don't want to hate running.

It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect - Listen To Your Body

You did everything on the checklist. It may be hard to accomplish day one perfectly, it's okay. I couldn't run the whole minute, I was so winded after 30 seconds. If you end up out of breath, slow down. Listen to your body. Even if it means, running, slowing down to a fast walk, then picking up the pace again...do it. You will eventually get used to it. Your endurance will increase with time.

What Are Your Experiences?

If you have followed this plan, let us know what you have experienced. Did you modify something to make this plan more effective for you? Please comment below.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I AM - My Past Failure...My Experiences

If you followed me from my old blog, My 60 Day Lemonade Diet, you know I've been through some extreme dieting. I thought desperate times called for desperate measures. I think I found the diet through rummaging through those sites about movie star gossip. What caught my eye was that top stars and models were following this so called Lemonade Diet. It turns out that it's a variation of the original cleanse called "The Master Cleanser" by Stanley Burroughs, written 1976.

Anywho, I gave it a chance. Bought everything from my local Trader Joe's. I was excited because the ingredients were super cheap in comparison to other diets. It's was a simple concoction of a lemonade drink that you drank throughout the day. Before you started your day, you had to flush with salt water. I think that the salt water flush was the hardest part. I dreaded it sooooo much.

I didn't exercise because I didn't think about integrating the two. I hated the thought of exercise. I made the excuse that I would be too weak to do it anyhow. It was hard enough to just quit food cold turkey. Why make it worse by adding exercise? That was my thinking back then. Excuse after excuse after excuse. I was born to make excuses.

Reflecting on my excuses, I realize that it was a self sabotage mechanism I've used for so long. I didn't really want to give up food or start exercising. It was painful to give up my emotional eating and start experiencing body pains of exercise. I didn't want pain.

So I started to blog this whole ordeal to keep me from getting off track. I blogged and vlogged most of my diet. What people didn't know was that nearing the end of my "diet", I started cheating. Sneaking actual food. Nobody saw me do it...family didn't notice it either. I'm the cook of my household, if I'm in the kitchen and everyone is sitting watching television or in the other end of the house, who's watching? Other than God and me I guess. My thought was, "I'm tasting the food I'm preparing. I have to make sure it's good for the kids." But any sort of tasting was an absolute no-no on this diet. I started to break this cleanse. Before long I started to eat small meals behind everyone's back.

When I ended my cleanse, I was eating regular meals. The problem with that is, according to the Master Cleanser diet, you CANNOT eat big meals or regular foods. Your body literally went on a fast, your digestive system took a huge break. You could get sick by suddenly disrupting such a feat on your body. You are supposed to start with soups then salads adding vegetables and fruits along the way until you are able to eat whole meals. I made myself sick by rushing my body through regular meals. When I gained 5 pounds the first couple of days, I thought I ruined all my progress, so I started to binge. When I say binge, I mean binge. I cried and hated myself. I also thought I could just go back on this cleanse once I got this binge out of the way. I gave up. I "forgot" to go back on the cleanse. Reverting back to my old ways.

My weight slowly crept up to my original weight...then in 9 months, I was passed my starting weight. It was so depressing. I couldn't fit in my fat clothes anymore. I started wearing stretchy skirts. Started to drink with my best friend. It was pretty low for myself. I didn't care, life sucked anyhow. I wasn't making money no matter how hard I tried. I wasn't doing well in my household care...my kids were out of hand...fighting. I was yelling and angry or tired and unmotivated.

Fast forward to 2013, I fell into a depressed state in my relationship with my partner...my longtime boyfriend, who I already was referred to as my husband. We weren't getting along, we were fighting about anything and everything. His problems were beyond me, nothing I could help solve. He finally wanted out or so he said. I was so sad about how things turned out, it wasn't fair. I did everything I could...he was doing this to our relationship.

My brothers hit their low as well, it was crazy. Some crazy coincidence. Heartbreak all over the place. Why was this happening to us? I didn't know how to console them, I was really still trying to console myself. I had joined my local LA Fitness on my last birthday, then forgot about it until January 2013. I hit that gym because I just couldn't stay at home anymore. I was hurting, I wanted to torture myself some other way. I hit the gym almost everyday I could, staying 2-3 hours a day. I walked, stepped, cycled, lifted weights...whatever I could. My brothers joined my gym shortly after I suggested this more positive activity. It started to be a nice event. This went on for about 6-7 months. I lost a total of 10 pounds. What? Only 10 pounds.

Why did I fail to lose more? I didn't do the dietary changes that come with exercising. So I did the opposite of my last diet! Talk about extremist. I started to lose motivation although I knew the reason why I didn't lose weight. I couldn't say no to food...I didn't want to say no to food.

While all this was happening in 2013, I was practicing LOA or law of attraction. It was a slow start. I didn't realize that my mind was out of whack. I was kind of fighting the whole LOA thing too. It just didn't seem like good things could happen to me. I had to give it a chance. So I did.

It turned out, that by letting things go and giving LOA a chance, things could actually happen in a good way for me. I just had to start doing the work and noticing my progress. It's a process of pain and sheer joy. I had to give up my old ways of thinking and self abuse. I had to do this for myself.

Fast forward to now, I'm still working on this lifestyle change. Exercise, food changes and especially my mind. I'm not going to say I lost any weight. It's not just about that. The weight will fall off as a result of what I do outside of diet because it's no longer a diet to me. A diet is a temporary fix. It's a lifestyle change that I need. I want to share everything I learn and do. I want people to follow me as I go through all of this, so I can help support others who might be going through the same thing.

If your goal is weight loss, I urge you to follow me. I know I'm heading toward the right direction because I'm doing this from the right place of mind. It's a loving place.

See you on the next blog,

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I AM - Healthy Living (An Introduction To This Blog)

This is a closely related blog to another called: LOA Co-Creators.

I created this blog in hopes of keeping two somewhat related subjects separate from each other. I believe that in order to have a healthy body, one must have a healthy mind and soul. I'll be making references to the other blog for those who want to partake in the actual steps I and my co-authors used.

There's too much to share in one blog to keep it organized. Having two will give you the choice and concentration on one part before moving on to the other. If your goal is on the mind, you can follow the LOA Co-Creators blog and those who graduated from there and want to work on the body can follow this blog.

If you are just interested in this blog, that is fine too.

Welcome to BOOT CAMP.

Is your goal to lose weight and/or body fat? Please follow my posts on this blog.

Is your goal to gain weight? Please follow my co-author and brother, Patrick.

Are you a vegetarian? Patrick is the guy to read about. He can help you make simple life changes that can EASE you into vegetarianism. Or if you are already a vegetarian, he can share awesome recipes to please that palate.

Do you have children or a family with picky eaters? Follow me. I have a family of four, all picky eaters. Well accept me, I eat everything. But I can lend a way for healthy family living.

Do you work or are you a student on a budget? Follow Patrick....he's got some budget tips for healthy living.

Do you work at home? Follow me, been there - done that. Still doing it.

Whatever your goal, I'm sure you can find something that can peak your interest. Please feel free to give us feedback, questions and comments...we read them all.

To healthy living,